GQ Vozes
19/12/2018 - 14:10 | Por: Circolare
Aos cliques do show de Duda Beat, de ontem à noite, no Baretto, que contou com a presença de Chay Suede e outros convidados VIP.
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with a1 preset
- Processed with VSCO with preset